Friday, 30 November 2012




You can have it from -
  • Increases Alkalinity faster than any other natural health product on earth
  • Provides required macro and micro minerals, electrolytes, and amino acids
  • Increases energy levels
  • Improves concentration
  • Increases mental clarity
  • Increased sense of well-being
  • Short Term Memory Loss, Alzheimer's and Dementia
  • The Ultimate in Anti-Aging
  • Balances, restores, and rejuvenates cell life
  • Supports the Thyroid gland
  • Boosts the Immune system
  • Increases circulation
  • Increases memory & brain function
  • Increases endurance
  • Acts as a catalyst for enzymatic reactions
  • Supports balanced hormone levels
  • Assimilates vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from food or supplement intake
  • Cleanses, neutralizes, & removes toxins from the blood and every cell in the body
  • Oxygenates the blood
  • Protects against free radical damage
  • Complexes nutrients into smaller particle sizes (lowers the molecular weight of nutrients)
  • Detoxifies the body by eliminating heavy metals and toxins (Oral Chelation)
  • Supports regulation of the Thymus gland
  • Dramatically decreases healing time
  • Provides vital electrolytes
  • Creates an inhospitable environment for Cancer
  • Recommended for Viruses, bacteria, molds, yeast, fungi, and Candida
  • Activates the Krebs Cycle
  • Removes unwanted salt acids that surround and harden cell walls, creating cell permeability
  • Supports & balances the Respiratory, Reproductive, Digestive, Circulatory, Skeletal/Muscular, Nervous, Lymphatic, Endocrine & Excretory Systems
  • When applied directly to bug bites or skin rashes, itching is eliminated almost immediately
  • Encourages faster healing of wounds and burns, while lessening/eliminating the potential for scarring
  • Powerful wide spectrum anti-microbial and fungicide
  • May be applied to skin irritations including psoriasis, dermatitis, or eczema
  • May be applied to skin tumors
  • Reduces bruising from skin traumas
  • Neutralizes both poison oak and poison ivy
  • Encourages hair re-growth
  • Helps mend damaged hair and alleviate itchy, scaly scalp conditions when rubbed into the scalp before shampooing.

It is a combination of  Terminalia chebulaTerminalia bellirica,Emblica officinalis and Fulvic Ionic Minerals

Terminalia chebula 
Terminalia chebula is one of the important ayurvedic  herb used for any problems related with digestion. Alternate medicine or Ayurveda believe that half the diseases could arise due to stomach or intestinal problems. Terminalia chebula is a magical herb and its fruit is used to treat acidity, heartburn, constipation, ulcers, piles, inflammation, dysentry and diarrhea. For each of the problems the dosage and usage differs but Terminalia chebula is an integral ingredient in most of the decoctions or powder that ayurvedic practioners use for stomach related disorders. Terminalia chebula is known as Haritaki in Sanskrit, which means originated from God's home.
Beyond digestive health Terminalia chebula is also considered as a valuable medicine for its healing properties.
Terminaliachebula is also known to remove toxins from body. It scrapes the assimilated waste or deposits out of the body. It is carminative and laxative.
It nourishes body and promotes good tissue health.

It can be used topically also to heal infections,  boils or ulcers.
It is known to be good for eyes and a nervine tonic
Also known as Pathya, Terminalia chebula   is good for respiratory health, lungs, bronhcitis,  Asthama and sinus health.
Terminalia chebula  is one of the three fruits used in Triphala churna. Triphala from Ayurveda has amazing medicinal properties for digestive health, Asthma, bronchitis, anemia etc.


                                              Terminalia bellirica

Baheda is a tall handsome tree, with characteristic bark, 12-50 m tall. Leaves are alternately arranged or fascicled at the end of branches, elliptic or elliptic obovate, leathery, dotted, entire. Leaf tip is narrow- pointed or rounded. Leaves are 8-20 cm long, 7.5-15 cm wide, on stalks 2.15 cm long. Flowers arise in spikes in leaf axils, 5-15 cm long. Flowers are greenish yellow, 5-6 mm across, stalklesse, upper flowers of the spike are male, lower flowers are bisexual. Stamens are 3-4 mm long. Fruit is obovoid 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, covered with minute pale pubescence, stone very thick, indistinctly 5 angled.

Chemical compositon:
The principle constituents are Triterpenoids – cardiac glycoside saponins, bellericoside, bellericanin, Sterols – B-sitosterol, Tannin – gallic acid, ellagic acid.
It also contains galloyl glucose and number of free sugars. The seeds contain protein and oxalic acid, while bark contains tannin and its oil contains palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids as major fatty acids.

Medicinal Properties:
Fruits are asrtringent, acrid, sweet, thermogenic, anti-inflammatory, anodyne, styptic, narcotic, digestive, anthelmintic, aperient, expectorant, ophthalmic, antipyretic, antiemetic and rejuvenating. It has purgative, blood pressure depressant, antifungal, antihistaminic activity against viral hepatitis and vitiligo. Antiasthmatic, broncho-dilatory. In traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Baheda is known as "Bibhitaki;" in its fruit form it is used in the popular Indian herbal rasayana treatment triphala. This species is used by some tribes in the Indian subcontinent for its mind-altering qualities - they smoke dried kernels. Too much of this can cause nausea and vomiting.The fruit rind (pericarp) is astringent, laxative, anthelmintic, pungent, germicidal and antipyretic. It is applied in a diverse range of conditions including cough, tuberculosis, eye diseases, anti-HIV-1, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dysentery, inflammation of the small intestine, biliousness, flatulence, liver disease, leprosy, cleanse the blood and promote hair growth in the Ayurvedic drug. Fruit extracts have anti-bacterial activity against Micrococcus pyogenes and Escherichia coli.